

L.B. Blacksmith

3 JAN 1925

Dear Councillor Al Garthwaite, what if I was not the impostor?




For the attention of
British Ambassador in Rome
Rt Hon Edward Llewellyn
Lord Mayor of Leeds
Councillor Al Garthwaite








Dear British Ambassador in Rome, Rt Hon Edward Llewellyn

I am writing to you to make sure PM Sunak will be aware of this letter, in your discretion.




Dear Councillor Al Garthwaite, Lord Mayor of Leeds

I am writing to you concerning the intimidations I am receiving from the EU Settlement Scheme. In fact, I have never asked for a British passport and sincerely don't want it, but they insist as if they had the rights to torment me with their compelling necessity to help people.

I rather like the EUSS lawyer could tell if the Italian Consulate ever had any right to make me paperless, and Tony Blair to impose it on me in order to cover up the traditional PONZI SCHEME of the recommendations, after the EU OLAF sent lawsuit to Italy.

The European Union has sent a lawsuit concerning this situation from the start, with the reports and witnessing of your POLICE and PUBLIC DEFENDANTS, and I am not willing to be the impostor simply because "someone" with his alternative system of values feels the rights to blackmail people, make people paperless and look like an impostor as they did to me, in writing and repeatedly, also after my complaint to the Police and Solicitors.

Why do you believe the EU sent lawsuit to Italy?

Why do you believe it was in the news?


So, I like you could tell for what reason the EUSS called my doctor now? To prescribe me a passport? To make more recommendations? What is this? Another intimidation? More slander and witch-hunting to come? More culture and tradition of democracy to show off?


Why the EUSS didn't call the Italian consulate instead, to ask if it was their OBLIGATION to provide passport replacement after the theft of my passport, or it was a FAVOUR?

Why the EUSS didn't ask the Italian consulate if it was their OBLIGATION to confirm my true academic career from Italian state university, or it was another FAVOUR?

Why the EUSS don't ask Tony Blair, if it was really “an Italian private matter”, after EU sent lawsuit to Italy? Or it was rather coercion and violence to impose on the victims to be impostors when they are not, and cover up.

I don't want a British passport, but I claim my rights against the Italian Consulate, as stated in the lawsuit sent by the EU, and demand justice for the repeated false accusations and the political cover up after EU sent lawsuit to Italy.


“You” in England made me paperless to cover up you conscience, your alternative system of values and the most traditional regime of bribery and blackmail; you made me paperless and reduced me into slavery just to cover up your notable perverts and tormentors dispensing indulgences and recommendations, with more favours like sexual abuses and witch hunting as a standard.


I like the professors in the photograph of my graduation ceremony at Verona university could tell in what system of value I would be the impostor, despite of the best marks I had.

I like the consul could explain in what system of values he could refuse to issue any replacement or temporary ID after the theft of my passport, in order to let me travel and resolve the problems they were causing.

I like the Prosecutor in Milan could tell in what system of value it didn't happen and they didn't do it intentionally and repeatedly, after the EU sent lawsuit, after the letters of the consul, the solicitors and the police.


Concerning this matter of democracy and people rights I wrote a book, and you can find it online for FREE and document yourself with the documentation in APPENDIX. There are also audio recordings.

You may ask Tony Blair about this, if it was really an “Italian Private matter”, after it was in the news and after the EU sent lawsuit to Italy.


But I love the freedom of speech of PM Sunak, supporting Brexit and pretending EU was impeding the potential business and trades of the UK, despite he is unable to tell any of the legitimate business England was prevented doing from inside the EU. Probably he meant something not legitimate but conforming to some other alternative system of values.

And I love the freedom of speech of your professors, pretending the democratic values are catholic legacy, but unable to tell any of these democratic values of catholic origin. I also see they are of all colours and all religions, like a democracy. I wonder if they could tell any democratic value of religious origin at all, but I understand they love to teach the democratic values are catholic legacy, and be called professors.

I also love the EU SS pretending to cover up and manipulate people, in the offices, again and again, in the name of their good intentions. I love their attitude in vanishing people into thin air, on paper, and then to reappear them like for a miracle, in accord to their alternative system of values.


I am not to accept your British passport, but thanks for the offer.

But I do rather demand justice for the assistance provided by the Italian Consuls and Ambassadors, as stated by the EU in the lawsuit. And demand justice concerning the violence and coercion, repeated false accusations they organised to cover up. I demand Justice for the MORAL TORTURE to be the impostor when I am not. And demand Justice for the PHISICAL TORTURE of the false and unjustified arrest and repeated false accusations the Police every time had to dismiss as unsubstantiated. If not as evidence of slander and defamation and political persecution.

In fact Tony Blair liked to insult the victims with his alternative system of values, and I have to return the point in political terms. Could you tell how the democratic value have become catholic legacy, without having to quote the racial laws of Mussolini?

You may ask Tony Blair what they did, 2 years after EU sent lawsuit to Italy, and compare it to what happened to Dr David Kelly, and the reliable witnesses they have. Like the professors in the photograph of my graduation ceremony... Like the Consuls and Ambassadors, making people paperless in writing, and then pretending they never knew and it didn't happen.

Dear Councillor Ms Al Garthwaite, what do you know about fascism, the perverts and tormentors they are?

How do you believe the prosecutor could pretend it never happened, after EU sent lawsuit to Italy, after it was in the news, after the reports of the police and solicitors, without the holy cross in the courtrooms transforming the perjury of public officers into acts of devotions and career opportunities?

I would like if the Oxford professor of Giulio Regeni, Maha Abdelraham could answer any question, to demonstrate the integrity of the religious morality, racism, bigotry and corruption.

I also like PM Sunak could find any other professor to answer and win £200.000 AWARD. If he has no previous accord with any alternative system of value, to do whatever to please his master, like the professor above, well accustomed to the alternative system of values of corruption, bribery and blackmail.

Dear Al Garthwaite, unless you can make yourself happy and win £200.000 AWARD, unless you believe digging the bottom of corruption is the future, you better forward my complaint and forensic evidences of their political crimes.

Living in denial is not helping you, but makes you look more and more an accomplice.

Concerning the letter below in Italian, I wouldn't trust the translation of the Ambassador but google it. I will be pleased to render it in English for you, with a coffee; the subject is introduced in the letter to PM Sunak online on my website, in all my videos and in the book.

Is this fun? Make yourself happy and win £200.000 AWARD.

With best regards

Luca Benatti




Per conoscenza – For acknowledgement
Università di Bologna – forpatrick (ZAKI)
la Repubblica - Redazione
Avvocato Luciano Belli Paci
Avvocato Flavio Rossi Albertini



Allegati - Attachments - From the EXCERPT, APPENDIX

My passport as issued by the Questura in Milan, photocopy ... pag ... 179

The President of the Italian Republic concerning Monopoly and the freedom of enterprise ... pag ... 183

The Graduation Ceremony at the Verona University ... pag ... 193

The Consulate after the theft of the passport ... pagg ... 187, 189, 191

The EU OLAF sent my lawsuit to the Court in Milan ... pag ... 205

It was in the news (not in Excerpt, from website): "Arena di Verona" , and a few more

MP Bill Rammell, for PM Tony Blair Government cover up ... pag ... 209

La testimonianza della Polizia e degli avvocati riguardo ripetute false denunce
The witnessing of the Police and public Defendants concerning repeated false accusations

Concerning false accusation made with the recommendation NOT to be investigated by the Police ... pag ... 211, 213

From solicitor concerning more false accusations, suggesting to lawsuit police ... pag ... 215

From solicitor informing that withour a passport have no rights to hire a lawyer ... pag ... 223

From barrister suggesting to lawsuit Foreign Office ... pag ... 245

The transcript and audio recording of Dr Dissanayaka ... pagg ... 77, 217

From Boris Johnson, the flagship of “the law of the land “ ... pag ... 233

EUSS Scheme ... pag ... 237

HOMEPAGE: https://www.lbblacksmith.com


The web page of this letter: Archive



Fight Fake News

What is Fascism - with Ms Al Garthwaite, Lord Mayor of Leeds

links from the news

In Italiano

Fascism what is it? Links

La delibera del Comune di Firenze

lanazione.it - Lettera della preside a Firenze, il testo integrale della circolare

fanpage.it - La preside di Firenze Annalisa Savino dopo le critiche alla lettera: “Violenza politica pericolosa”

repubblica.it - Firenze, la preside Annalisa Savino del Da Vinci: “Dopo il pestaggio scrivere ai ragazzi era un dovere. Non potevo lasciarli soli”

lastampa.it - Pestaggio al liceo di Firenze, la preside del Da Vinci scrive agli studenti: “Fascismo nato sui bordi di un marciapiede”

orizzontescuola.it - La preside scrive circolare agli studenti sul fascismo, Valditara: “Parole inappropriate”. Studenti e colleghi la difendono, opposizione chiede le dimissioni del ministro

sky.it - Firenze, lettera preside del liceo Da Vinci: “Indifferenza favorisce rigurgito fascismo”

ilmanifesto.it - Sosteniamo la preside Annalisa Savino, minacciata dal ministro Valditara

rainews.it - Liceo Firenze. Presidi: “Non si poteva tacere”. Anpi: “Inaccettabili le parole del ministro”

La Russia interviene su Acca Larentia. Lavrov: “L’Italia e gli alti Paesi dell’Asse non condannano la rinascita del nazismo”

L’Università di Bologna lancia “un’email per scrivere a Patrick Zaki”

unibo.it - Una mail per Patrick Zaky: per creare un legame e ridurre le distanze

In English

ansa.it - Valditara blasts school head for fascism warning letter (3)

lemonde.fr - Italy: In Florence, increasingly conspicuous far right causes tensions

wantedinrome.com - Italy education minister in fascism row with school principal

EU citizens are being kicked out of the UK. In Spain people are asking: why not treat Brits the same way?

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